

From the Some Bunny's Mom!

Just a note to let you all know that I am back in Virginia with the bunnies! I missed them a lot, but they were well taken care of. They are quite shaggy since they are shedding, and need a good brushing (which they will disagree with completely). Otherwise, all is well.

I'm working on catching up with everyone, and will post some pictures within the next couple days!

- The Some Bunny Slave


Checking In

Mom got back to Canada safe and sound. We are less impressed over here. We are getting out for lots of exercise though.
Jack has gone into her destructo-bunny mode, that is what happens when Mom goes away for too long. Jack is pretty bonded to her. The slave that Mom left here to take care of us has been keepin gour pens nice and clean, and then gave Jack some extra cuddles to try to curb her carpet chewing.
Personally, I don't think we're getting enough treats so far...


Jack's Favourite Spot

This is Jack's favourite place to hang out! It's outside on the balcony. Our apartment here has a protected balcony, and Mom lets Jack go out there and hang out. She likes to smell EVERYTHING then eventually will lay down and nap. Only in nice weather though! When it's her out time, she runs to the balcony door and puts her paws up and looks at Mom until she lets her out. 
We don't really go out there though. Jack says it's cool but we haven't really made the venture yet. Maybe soon! In other news.....
Mom is leaving us! She has to go back to Canada for three weeks! Jack told me the real reason she has been going outside is to catalogue everything that she can destroy in protest of Mom's absense. She will miss her, and so will Abbey. Norbert and I will be ambivalent, of course... at least that is what we will be making her believe! She says we will still get treats and pets and get taken care of really well, but I'm not so sure...