

Helpful Bunnies

Yep there's me and Abbey, we are helping Mom unpack the groceries! We took care of the veggies. We are extremely helpful, that's why Mom loves us so much.

We have had a busy week, after the awesome award we got last week, Mom kept on trying to make me and Norbert friends. I don't mind him so much, but he sure is a scaredy-bunny! Every time I move when we are out together he runs so fast and hides in the tent! Sometimes he thumps his foot at me too. Basically I just ignore him. He's only 9lbs anyway, and I'm like, 9.2 lbs already. I'll probably get even bigger. I've found out her tricks of trying to pick me up and take me to the bathtub room to find out how big I am. I haven't let her do it for weeks. She told me I'm looking bigger than Abbey! She is 9 lbs right on... She said this picture makes my butt look big!



d. moll, said...

You are a big boy, Fez, guess you need a powerful behind to launch those fab ears of yours. It's nice to see you and Abbey working so hard on your chores.

The Bunns said...

Eat the shoes. Eat the shoes ...

DK & The Fluffies said...

It's always good to rip some greens out of mom's grocery bag!

Deb Cushman said...

Yeah, what d. moll said -- you're ears & bottom are a balancing act! You and Abbey sure are great helpers in the kitchen! Taste testing the veggies is important for everyone's health!

Anonymous said...

Lol, maybe Norbert's intimidated by those ears, and those 'tocks!

Anonymous said...

silly Norbert! and yeah, my dogs help me unload the groceries too! zinger doesn't get to help well, cuz of the dogs...

Ippo456 said...

Aaww that picture surely doesn't make your butt look big!

YowlYY said...

Fez, Hugo here :) Thanks for your message on our blog, it was great to know that there are so many buns around the world who care :)
Mum was shocked to see how big your family is now... Norbert looks a bit like me, but what is 9lbs? Mum says it is about 4.5 kg?? Hey man, you are a big bunny!! Me, I am weighing now 2.2kg which would be something more than 4 pounds, so glad I got the weight back as I was only 2kg when I was ill!
I am a bit envious though...we never get to help with the shopping, as by the time the groceries are in the kitchen, all the greens are in the large fridge outside in the garage, where the other 3 buns live...*snort*

The Fluffy Tribe said...

wow no one helps unpack a bag like bunnies ~the Fluffy Tribe