

Safe and Sound... but without bunnies...

Hi all, Fez's Mom here, Amy. I've arrived back at my mom's house safely in Canada. Luckily the weather is beautiful! No bunnies here for me, so I'll have to keep up with my bunny blogosphere for a daily fix. I will get to bunnysit Fluffy McFlufferson and his buddies next weekend while his family is away for a vacation!             

Also while here I do have a doggy companion named Austin, a little mutt belonging to my mom who likes to sleep on my pillow when I am here. In order to provide bunny pictures and some warm and fuzzies for you all, I've decided to post some stories of some of the rescues I have done with Rabbit Rescue over my time volunteering with them. I continue to volunteer even when I am in Virginia, they are a wonerful group and very close to my heart. I have many heartwarming stories from them, including of course all four of my own rascals - but you know their stories!


d. moll, said...

You're going to see Fluffy and his gang!!! I hear he is quite a bun.

Anonymous said...

Ah, bunnysitting is good! Nothing beats having real bunnies to watch and play with :)

Looking forward to reading about your rescues!

RG said...

Well, give us a Fluffy picture too .. last I saw of that boy he was on a Wanted poster!!!