

Ahhh.... Friday!

We are so glad that it's Friday! We have a pretty tough life you know.

We work so hard sometimes it's hard to find the energy to even eat! Somehow, we manage...
Mom is still harping on us to try going to explore the other levels. We are still note sure. I guess that really intelligent animals, like rabbits, just don't adapt to change very quickly! She has bribed us with treats, and cajoled us, and even put Abbey up on the second level (! can you believe the indignity?!) but we won't go until we are good and ready!
Happy Friday!


Carmen S. said...

You bunnies are missing new and exciting territory, you never know what you might find up there!!!

Glenna said...

Nice new set-up. I find the same thing with my three: they have a great big room of their own, and whenever I look they're piled up on a bathrug or squished together in the litter box. They seem happiest if they're touching at all times. No one seems to mind a tail in the face or a foot in the eye. If I gave them something vertical, I guarantee they'd just use the bottom tier.

d. moll, said...

Who will be the first?? I bet 3 pounds of carrots on Norbert.

RG said...

Oh boy .. maybe Fez ...

Christina said...

Oh goodness, you both look exhausted. I bet it was hard finding the energy to eat. lol

Deb Cushman said...

You guys do look like you need a bit of rest. All that contemplating exploration takes a lot out of a bun.

PJ said...

They're levitating up there when you're not looking. Then they snickering about it. They're rabbits.