

Update on Pancakes

Hello kind friends!

Some of you requested a Pancakes update. His site was updated late last night by his owner. The donations have really brought them up and out of the trouble zone for now! But it does sound like he will require dental work from his recent post.

He is doing much better and back to being active. His cheek is continuing to heal. They found a lump on his neck but believe it to be his lymph node with a bit of swelling due to his body fighting the infection from his cheek. He had been drooling a lot and having trouble eating - but he just lost an incisor, which sounds like it had been broken and that was what was bothering him. He is now no longer drooling and is able to eat much easier!

You can visit his status page: to read the full update.

He also posted some new pictures to show his progress! Under his pictures page. Please be aware they are graphic in terms of his missing cheek, so I won't post a direct link, but if you want to view the pictures you can find them. They do show a nice steady progress.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart on behalf of Pancakes, for taking the time to read about him and give support with thoughts, emails, donations, and passing on the word.


Lisa said...

I sent Dustin an email yesterday evening offering words of encouragement and sympathy, telling him of Sogna's rescue from death row, and her rapid and (almost) complete recovery from her neglect. He sent me a really lovely email back, saying that the encouragement is just as needed and as helpful as the monetary donations, as he and Maria are having a real emotional struggle right now.

As I often reminded Alice when Fats was sick, I told him that it's important to Pancakes' recovery to keep a positive energy as much as possible. Our pets love us and feed off our vibes.

Thanks for the update. We'll be following closely.

Fez and the Gang said...

Lisa, I completely agree. The encouragement that they need right now, and the support of others who have gone through similar struggles will be very important and helpful to them all. I know how hard it has been for me as well to go through this - when so few people in our daily lives understand, it's so good to know that we have a network of people just behind us who do, and who are supporting us.

PJ said...

I'm waiting for funds to be transferred into my Paypal account - it takes a few days - but in the meantime people are really taking this to heart. It's really wonderful to see. And you're a peach for helping get the word out!

Friend of the Animals said...

Good to hear! Something I have learned over the last few months is how all of us bunny people really help eachother out. It's awesome.